Tuesday, December 31, 2019
5 Stages of Team Development
5 Stages of Team Development5 Stages of Team DevelopmentOrganizations have used kollektivs for years with some more successful than others. In a quest to determine why so many kollektivs failed to achieve their goals, kollektiv development became a hot topic. The differences between successful and unsuccessful kollektivs were studied, and organizations gradually learned to manage gruppes more effectively through all of their stages of development and contribution. Successful Team Development Traditionally, a team goes through five stages of development, with each stage presenting its own challenges. The goal is for a cohesive team of people to produce a positive outcome that contributes to the success of the organization. Proper Team Support The team and the organization take specific actions at each stage to support the teams success inaccomplishing its mission. Supporting the team at each stage of development will help it accomplish its goal. With a thoughtful look at each stag e of team development, you can solve problems before they derail the team. You cannot treat a team the same at each stage of its development because the stages dictate different support actions. behauptung support actions, taken at the right time, will allow your teams to develop and successfully meet their challenges. Leadership Is Key Most importantly, at each stage, the behavior of the leader must adapt to the changing and developing needs of the group. An effective leader who other members of the team want to followis indispensable when the group is trying to progress through the stages of development. Generally, the leader reports to a manager. The manager, as the team sponsor, must understand how to support the team at each stage of development. This understanding by company leadership is critical to the teams success. Stages of Team Development Dr. Bruce W. Tuckman, a professor of educational psychology at the Ohio State University, who researched the theory of group dyna mics, published one of his theories in 1965 called Tuckmans Stages of Group Development. Thus, emerged a four-stage team development model, Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing, with a fifth stage, Adjourning, added in 1977. The five stages of team development include suggested actions to best support the team Forming A group of people comes together to accomplish a shared purpose. Their initial success will depend on their familiarity with each others work style, their experience on prior teams, and the clarity of their assigned mission. As a sponsor, your role is to help the team members get to know each other whether you offer team building activities or just a listening ear.Storming Disagreement about mission, vision, and ways to approach the problem or assignment are constant at this stage of development. This struggle is combined with the fact that team members are still getting to know each other, learning to work with each other, and growing familiar with the interacti on and communication of group members. As a sponsor, once again, your role is to help the team get to know each other whether you offer team building activities or just a listening ear. Help your team leader clarify each of these assignments so that the team succeeds. Norming The team has consciously or unconsciously formed working relationships that are enabling progress on the teams objectives. The members have consciously or unconsciously agreed to abide by certain group norms and they are becoming functional at working together. As a sponsor, ask for periodic updates from the team. Regularly check the teams progress at agreed-upon intervals and critical steps on the path to a successful conclusion.Performing Relationships, team processes, and the teams effectiveness in working on its objectives are syncing to bring about a successfully functioning team. This is the stage at which the real work of the team is progressing. As a sponsor, ask for periodic updates from the team. Help solve problems and provide input as needed. Make sure that team members are communicating with all of the other appropriate parties in your workplace. Adjourning The team has completed its mission or purpose and it is time for team members to pursue other goals or projects. As a sponsor, make sure that the team schedules an ending ceremony. Whether they debrief the project and discuss how the team could have been more successful or they just order pizza, you will want to mark a clear ending to the team or project. These stages can be applied to all teams. However, in the case of ongoing teams, such as a department team, social media team, a customer service team, the Ending stage is not applicable. The length of time necessary for progressing through these stages depends on the experience, knowledge, and skills of the members and the support they receive. In addition, teams may work at varying rates based on issues and obstacles they may encounter, such as changing team members, tasks, and goals. Closing Thoughts The purpose of creating teams is to provide a framework that will increase the ability of employees to participate in planning, problem-solving, and decision making to better serve customers. Increased participation promotes A better understanding of decisionsMore support for and participation in implementation plansIncreased contribution toproblem-solvingand decision makingMore ownership of decisions, processes, and changes In order for teams to fulfill their intended role of improving organizational effectiveness, it is critical that they develop into working units that are focused on their goal, mission, or reason for existing. They do this by effectively progressing through the stages of development.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Dalai Lama has the antidote to destructive emotions
Dalai Lama has the antidote to destructive emotionsDalai Lama has the antidote to destructive emotionsEmotions are deceiving - some can even pollute urmind.In a groundbreaking move, the Dalai Lama joined forces with top Western psychologists with a lofty mission. He purposefully wanted to put religion aside. hThe ultimate goal?He wants to help turn people into more self-aware, compassionate humans. If we can learn to navigate ur (destructive) emotions, we will be able to achieve calmness and inner-peace.Any person capable of gemeindelanding you becomes your master. EpictetusOur emotions shape our lives, bedrngnis just our thoughts and behavior. However, in cowboyfilm culture, managing our emotions is associated with moral and social interaction, not for being a good person. Unlike Buddhists, we dont think of emotions as a way to a harmonious inner-life.But, what happens when we bring both science and Buddhism together? Thats what the Dalai Lama found out.Follow Ladders on FlipboardF ollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe Science ofEmotionsWestern science has been measuring what mental hygiene looks like for ages - unfortunately, most studies have created division, rather than alignment, among experts.The Dalai Lama imagined a map of our emotions to develop a calm mind. He asked renowned emotion scientist, Dr. Paul Ekman, to realize his idea but to keep religion out of it.The first step Ekman took was finding some common ground among scientists - his survey provided a shared foundation to how emotions work. The majority of experts agree thatEmotions are universal - facial signals to emotions are similar across cultures tooWe all experience five fundamental emotions anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and enjoymentThere are universal triggers to emotionWe getangrywhen something blocks us or when we think were being treated unfairly.Sadnessis a response to loss - feeling sad allows us to ta ke a timeout and show others that we need support.Feelingdisgustedbywhat is toxichelps us avoid being poisoned - both physically or socially. Ourfearof danger lets us anticipate threats to our safety.Enjoymentdescribes the many good feelings that arise from experiences both novel and familiar.Thoughts are private emotions are public.According to Dr. Paul Ekman, Professor of Psychology at UCSF we can know someones emotion, but not the thought that provoked it. He cites the example of someone whos fearful when arrested. Is he afraid because he was caught or because he is innocent?Emotions are an instant brain response - they happen to us, we dont choose them.But, when do emotions become destructive?Science says all emotions are natural and okay, and that emotions become destructive only when they are expressed inappropriately. For example, its normal to experience sadness when someone dies, but a depressed person is sad in an inappropriate way.Buddhism, on the other hand, believes t hat destructive emotions are obstacles - we must overcome them to achieve happiness.Constructive emotions help improve a situation destructive emotions make it worse.The Emotional TimelineThe Atlas of Emotions is a visual representation of what researchers have learned from studying emotion. It helps us be aware of our emotions - how they are triggered, what they feel like, and how we can respond.Dr. Ekman, who formerly worked as an advisor in Pixars Inside Out film, recalled the Dalai Lama telling him When we wanted to get to the New World, we needed a map. So make a map of emotions so we can get to a calm state.Our emotions unfold on a timeline - they begin with a trigger that initiates the emotional experience and ultimately results in a response.The trigger occurs in a context defined by our circumstances and feelings, the event itself, and our worldview. The same stimulus can lead to different responses.For example, we might suppress feelings of frustration at work, but expr ess our frustration by yelling at a family member at home. Emotion suppression can create a short-term win - like avoiding an argument - but can become destructive if you are hurt by not speaking up for yourself.Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame. BenjaminFranklinNot all emotions are equal - they have varying shapes and intensities. For example, annoyance is a mild expression ofanger, while fury is the most extreme version of that same emotion.Our emotional experience datenwolkes our perception of a situation - we filter people and events through our emotions. Your reaction can turn an emotion into a destructive one.Emotions are a signal - they can prevent danger, or get you in trouble.Our response is the last element - and the most important one - of the emotional timeline. Although its not always easy to control our emotions, some responses are moredestructivethan others. Rather than reacting to them, we must learn to understand our emotions.In the past, compassion w as something of a sign of weakness, or anger a sign of power, a sign of strength. Basic human nature is more compassionate. Thats the real basis of our hope. Dalai LamaDestructive emotions, according to Daniel Goldman, refer to an emotion that can lead us to harm ourselves and others - either mentally or physically.Though anger, paralyzing fear, and depression are the most frequent ones, almost any emotion can cause harm. Craving and addiction - even an obsessive pursuit of happiness - can become destructive.Emotions distort our ability to think clearly making it more difficult to choose the right response. After a destructive emotion arises, there is a refractory period - we dont let new information enter our mind, andwe keep rehashing one particular emotion.Time and distance help us gain clarity and make better choices.Take the example of a colleague that frequently arrives late to a meeting. You might think s/he is deliberately insulting you and interpret everything s/he does as a personal attack.Therapy, mindfulness, and meditation train our mind to shorten the refractory period - we learn to reflect rather than being blinded by our feelings.By increasingself-awareness, we learn to pause before we respond and choose a constructive reaction.The Antidote to Destructive EmotionsScientists have learned that recurring negative emotions can create long-term harm.Thats the case of people who suffer fromcynical hostility,a pattern defined by high anger and frequent thoughts that others cant be trusted. People who experience cynical hostility tend to get more cardiovascular disease and oftendie at younger ages.The antidote to a destructive emotion is a constructive emotion.To fight anger, hatred, and fear, we must develop compassion, love, and patience. Destructive emotions are impulsive - they are based on misconceptions and illogical reasons. Constructive emotions are realistic - they are grounded in valid observation and reasoning.The Dalai Lama recommend s we use valid reasoning to develop a mental state to overcome destructive emotions.For example, love, as an antidote to anger, must be cultivated through reasoning.A calm mind directly leads to peace of mind DalaiLamaThe result of constructive emotions is a calm mind - we see and experience life more vividly and realistically.What destroys a calm mind?Fear, suspicion, hatred, anger, greed, and too much ambition.The Dalai Lama believes that Just as we teach about physical hygiene in the interest of good health, we now need to teach about emotional hygiene.Dr. Mark Greenberg, Professor at Pennsylvania State University, trains young children how to manage their destructive emotions, especially anger. His program helps children calm down - to decrease the refractory period - and become more aware of emotional states in themselves and others.The programcoaches kids to discuss their feelings as a way to solve problems, plan ahead to avoid difficulties, and be aware of the effects thei r behavior has on others.Children learn to identify the various emotions and their opposites. They use a set of cards with different facial expressions of emotions, so others know how theyre feeling.Greenbergs approach teaches that emotions are important signals, but we must be calm to behave appropriately.The Dalai Lama coined the termEmotional sauberkeitto encourage us to get anger, frustration, and anxiety, under control. Negative emotions cloud our mind - we must wash them away.The spiritual leader believes that, in addition to managing destructive emotions, we need to cultivate positive ones as well. Although they may not be usable in the heat of the moment, positive emotions build a good foundation - they strengthen your emotional immune system.Scientists agree that when we practice something positive often, our brain changes for the better.How to Develop Emotional HygieneThe same way we learn standards of physical hygiene, we must develop our emotional hygiene. Start by inc reasing your emotional awareness - you want to understand your emotions, not get rid of them.1. Recognize emotionsTake time to step back and observe your emotions. How do you feel? What do you experience? Naming our emotions is the first step to increase awareness.Learn to discriminate your feelings - some people confuse anger with fear. Get familiar with how each emotion manifests. The post below can help you dive deeper into each emotion.2. Know thetriggersUnderstand what sets you off. Recognize the signals or stimuli that can cloud your judgment. Are there any particular event, context, or person that usually triggers destructive emotions?Review recent incidents and use the Emotional Timeline to reflect on your reactions.Trigger ? Emotional Reaction ? Behavioral ResponseWhat have you learned? What would you do differently next time? Why?3. Connect with yourbodyOur facial language is not the only way we communicate our emotions. Recognize how your feelings affect your body. Noti ce changes in your breathing pattern, body temperature, heart rate, muscle knots, skin sensitivity, etc.Our body is a great emotional conductor - notice your physical well-being and reactions. Learn to prevent tensions or to avoid damaging your body, by making space before you act - dont let emotions create damaging patterns.4. Manage your reactionsReflect on how you usually react to a specific situation? Learn to pause before you respond. Emotions usually create a quick impulse to react, by training our mind, we make room to think before our emotions hijack our behavior.The following mindfulness exercises are a great start to help you pause, reflect, and be more present.5. Adjust andlearnEmotional Hygiene requires learning to perceive, appraise and express our emotions accurately. You emotion-management ability not only improves well-being and social interactions but will also help you overcome limiting behaviorssuch as procrastination.Training your mind is not a linear path - i t requires ongoing practice and adjustments. If you feel angry, learn to absprache with that anger. You need to let go of that emotion to act more skillfully.Practice will improve your ability, but dont get frustrated when you get back to overreacting mode. Be patient and kind to yourself.A clean mind creates space for loving-kindness, compassion, and happiness. Emotional Hygiene is the antidote to destructive emotions.The Atlas of Emotionsis a powerful visual tool to help you familiarize with your feelings. Play with it. The interactive map lets you click through the emotional timeline from identifying emotions to exploring its multiple layers and expressions.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Chronological vs. Functional Resumes
Chronological vs. Functional ResumesChronological vs. Functional ResumesEvery job hunter knows If you have gaps in your work history, if you are trying to change careers, if youve had too many jobs, or youve got too much experience, all you have to do is organize your resume according to skills rather than dates of employment. This is the functional, as opposed to the chronological, resume.See how to stay positive during a long job search.But theres just one tiny problem Three out of four hiring managers say they prefer chronological resumes. Theyre used to seeing them formatted like this. They like to see a nice, neat career progression, preferably headed upward. They are still really hung up on gaps in work history. And, lets face it, they feel- perhaps justifiably- that job seekers who go the functional route are trying to hide something.A functional resume can be a red flag. Recruiters in particular may refuse to even read one. So, heres an idea Address any potential problems hea d on. Explain upfront, clearly but briefly, in your cover letter or on the resume itself, why youve had gaps in your work history, why you are seeking to change careers, and why your multiple jobs, or years of experience, are pluses instead of minuses.Most of all, know this Even if you have a stellar chronological work history, your job hunt should never consist of simply sending out resumes. A resume is actually a pretty small part of a job hunt. The way to find a job is through personal contacts. If you dont have any, make some.Start nowKaren Burns is the author of the illustrated career advice book The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl Real-Life Career Advice You Can Actually Use, recently released by Running Press. She blogs at www.karenburnsworkinggirl.com.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Common Nursing Interview Questions and Best Answers
Common Nursing Interview Questions and Best AnswersCommon Nursing Interview Questions and Best AnswersIf youve landed an interview for anursing or medical position, its a good idea to review typical interview questions and answers. That way, youll walk into the interview feeling prepared and confident. Inplus-rechnentopracticing responses, get tips on how else to prepare for your nursing interview, as well as how to impress interviewers. 133 Watch Now How to Answer 5 Common Nursing Interview Questions Typical Questions Asked in a Nurse Interview 1. What do you find difficult about being a nurse? What They Want to KnowMany aspects of being a nurse are challenging- interviewers want to know which ones are hardest for you. Warning Do not complain in your response. Instead, keep it positive, using your response to highlight positive attributes in your resume and personality. I think the most difficult part of being a nurse is when I have a patient that is very unhappy, or in a lot of pain, and I cant comfort them to the degree Id liketo. I keep a dialog going with the attending physician so that she has as much information as possible regarding the patients pain level. Sometimes the patient doesnt effectively communicate with the doctor, and I try to help bridge that communication gap. Expand2. Do you prefer to work alone, or as part of a team? What They Want to KnowNurses often need to do both- work independently and also collaboratively. Be honest in your response, but avoid being negative about either work style. That depends on the circumstances. I enjoy being part of a treatment and support team, but I also like the autonomy of working alone. Expand 3. How would you handle a patient who complains constantly of pain? What They Want to KnowInterviewers want to know how youd tackle this potentially tricky situation. Walk through the steps youd take. You can use examples from past work experience if youd like. I would listen sympathetically to the patient s complaint, and reaskoranvers him that his concerns were being heardand that we were doing everything possible to help. If it seemed warranted, Id confer with the attending doctor to make sure that the patients pain welches being managed in the most effective way. Expand4. What do you contribute to your patients as a nurse? What They Want to KnowThis is an opportunity to share your personal theory of how you help patients. You can focus on the medical or the interpersonal, depending on what type of role you are seeking. I feel that my patients know that I am there to provide comfort and understanding, that I will listen to their concerns, and that I will act as their advocate if necessary. Expand5. How do you respond when family members ask for your personal diagnosis? What They Want to KnowBy asking this question, the interviewer wants to access your boundaries and tofindoutif you know how to respond appropriately. Unless its my role to diagnose, I wouldnt do so. But, I would try to dig in a bit and figure out why the patients family member was inquiring. Does the person need some validation? Did the doctor not explain the prognosis clearly? Id seek to be helpful and share important information (without stepping outside of my role). Expand6. What interests you about working here? What They Want to KnowAnytime interviewers ask this question, they are seeking to determine if you understand and value the healthcare institution. Essentially, interviewers want to know if you wantthisparticular job oranyjob at all. Im impressed with the model here, and the collaborative spirit on the team. Just bysitting in the waiting room, its clear tomethat this practice has a patient-first priority. Im eager to work with people who are passionate about providing care. Expand7. What made you choose nursing as a career? What They Want to KnowAs you share what drew you to nursing, look for opportunities to highlight characteristics that make you a good fit for the field. Nurses h ave such a powerful role in the hospital. I saw that first-hand when I was young and had a family member in the hospital, and it made me determined to pursue the career. Helping people during a difficult moment is tremendously meaningful to me. Expand8. How do you handle stress on the job? What They Want to KnowStressful moments are inevitable for healthcare professionals. Acknowledge the stress, but keep the focus of your response on your coping mechanisms. In the moment, I dont tend to feel the stress. Im too intent on providing care for the patient, and offering support to the doctors and team around me. Later, though, sometimes it hitsme. My strategy is to go for a hard workout when the stress doesnt dissipate over time. Expand9. How would you deal with a doctor who was rude? What They Want to KnowThis question can reveal if youre a complainer or have a bad attitude. Make sure to keep your response reasonable and positive (nows not the time to badmouth a colleague). Everyone has bad days. If the rudeness is a one-time occurrence, Id let it go. If something major happens, or if its repeated, Id reach out to my supervisor. My concern would be that perhaps the doctor was being rude not because of a bad day, but because of dissatisfaction with my work. Expand10. What do you find most rewarding about being a nurse? What They Want to KnowThis is a lead-in for you to talk about your strengths as a nurse. Maybe its about helping patients, keeping doctors on task, or working with a particular demographic. As a maternity nurse, Im there for the moment when peoples familys grow. Its powerful and awe-inspiring to witness. And Im so happy to be able to reassure and help women in this big moment, especially first-time moms. ExpandSome other questions nurses may hear during interviews include Would you describe yourself as organized? -Best AnswersAre you a self-motivator? -Best Answers Questions About Dealing with Family Members Taking care of a patient often means a lot of time spent with the patients family, so thats often a focus during the interview. Here are more questions interviewers might have about how you handle those interactions. Describe a situation with a family where you had issues with poor communication. How did you resolve it?How would you deal with a family member who isnt happy with your care of the patient?How do you deal with a family that isnt following care instructions?Whats your approach for communicating with a family that doesnt speak your language well?How do you handle a familys questions that are outside of your purview?Whats your approach for dealing with families who want to talk about death?Families sometimes want to know a timeline for a sick person. How do you handle that? What are the HIPAA regulations in regards to phone calls from family members asking for patient information?How do you deal with a family member that wants to blame you?Family members want to make sure their loved one is getting the best qu ality care. How do you reassure them?How do you handle personal gifts from a family member?What kinds of questions from a family member do you refer to the patients doctor?How do you help family members deal with death?Sometimes a patient might not want medical information given to family members. How do youhandle that with them? How do you handle family members that are disruptive on the unit? (e.g., loud, arguing)How do you respond when family members ask for your personal diagnosis?What do you do when family members usurp time you need to allocate to other patients? How to Answer Nurse Interview Questions Reflecting on questions, and devising ways to answer them, will help you arriveprepared and confident for your interview. Keep your answers focused on your assets and project a positive image. When giving your answer, use an example of when you encountered a similar situation that had a successful outcome. If you can share aconcrete example thatshowsyouve got the qualificati onsthe interviewer is seeking, youll up your chances of getting a job offer. How to Prepare for a Nurse Interview Step one practice answers to the questions on this page and othercommon interview questions. Youll want to be very familiar with the healthcare organization where youre interviewing, and have a sense of what the interviewer will be looking for in candidates. Thatll help you give strong, targeted responses. Do your best to take care of practical matters beforehand so that youre not stressed ontheday oftheinterview. Plan yourinterview outfitin advance, for instance, and plot out how youll get to the interview destination. (Leave yourself extra time in case of traffic, bad weather, or getting lost.) Questions to Ask the Interviewer Take advantage of the interview to ask questions that will help you know if the role is right for you. Also, its always a good idea to have something prepared for when interviewers turn the tables and ask, Do you have any questions for me ? Here are some options What is the culture like in this organization?What kind of training is available? Do you have any mentorship programs?Do many nurses work overtime here?What are some of the big challenges nurses face in this organization?Do you offer tuition reimbursement? How to Make the Best Impression Besure to dress appropriately, know your worth, and understand the requirements of the position you are interested in. Arrive at the interview a few minutes early. Greet people with a smile and make eye contact during the conversation. Speak confidently, and share relevant anecdotes from your career. Read the interviewers body language- if the person seems unfocused, shorten your answers. Be prepared for many different types of questions. Interviewers may ask technical questions, as well as questions about how youd interact with colleagues and patients. With every question, interviewers want to determine what kind of employee you will make, and whether you would be agood fit for the company and the position. After the interview, make sure to send athank you noteto everyone you spoke with. Not only is this polite, but it shows interviewers that youre interested in the position.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Was Mona Lisa actually smiling Researchers say no
Was Mona Lisa actually smiling Researchers say noWas Mona Lisa actually smiling Researchers say noMona Lisa might not have been really smiling when she was painted over 500 years ago.A team of neuroscientists examined the famed work by Leonardo da Vinci and believe the subject in the painting was forced to smile. In a paper published in the journal Cortex, researchers at the University of Cincinnati say Mona Lisas smile from the early 16th-century portrait isnt genuine because of its asymmetry.ur results indicate that happiness is expressed only on the left side. According to some influential theories of emotion neuropsychology, we here interpreted the Mona Lisa asymmetric smile as a none genuine smile, also thought to occur when the subject lies, the authors said in the paper.Leonardo da VinciThe study had 32 people judge two chimeric images of both sides of Mona Lisas smile with six basic emotions. Ninety-three percent reported the left half of the paintings smile resembled happine ss while 35% said that her expression was neutral when looking at the right half.Considering it is unlikely that a person who sits motionless for hours to be painted is able to constantly smile in genuine happiness, the simplest explanation is that the Mona Lisa asymmetric smile is the manifestation of an untrue enjoyment in spite of all the efforts that Leonardos jesters used to make in order to keep his models merry, the paper said. An alternative intriguing possibility, however, is that Leonardo already knew the true meaning of asymmetric smile more than three centuries before Duchennes reports and deliberately illustrated a smile expressing a non-felt emotion.The painting has come under scrutiny earlier this year. New research in May claimed da Vinci suffered nerve damage in his right hand that may have impacted his skill set which caused the Mona Lisa to be unfinished. Other research has claimed that the painting was actually a self-portrait.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Friday, December 6, 2019
Free Resume Templates for Mac Fundamentals Explained
Free Resume Templates for Mac Fundamentals Explained One of the most frequent mistakes which people make is to produce a standard resume and send it to all the job openings they can find. Oftentimes, youre just required to send in work application or submit your resume. Lots of people struggle to collect a resume they are content with, and utilize that resume to aid them to land work. If you believe that you would prefer a more professional looking resume, and dont feel youre likely to do an effective job, then you could always outsource the endeavor. All your information will be in simple paragraphs that are easy to skim through and your finest points will stick out. Such smallish details do make a persons resume different and distinctive from the other resumes. Or one may expect a skill based resume which helps to emphasize your abilities and achievements that are directly related to a particular job target thats also offered. Seems like a no-brainer, but youd be amused to discover the sum of people who lie in their resumes. Make certain that the vorlage youre choosing can highlight your details in the ideal approach. Its wise not to blindly adopt any resume template and begin filling in the particulars. The template is essentially a ready-made fill in the blank form available on the majority of the on-line job portals. Given the fact that it is something which provides ready-made outline for a resume, one might think that the nature of it is not flexible, but that is not the case. Free Resume Templates offers you the very best solution and quick fixes to your resumes. If you couldnt acquire the the ideal Resume. Imagine you have two resumes facing you. Infographic resumes become more and more common. Make aya as youre listing experiences to get started with the latest experience and work back from that point. Resume is a significant document stating your information essential for the job. Contact Information last, make sure that your name, contact number and email address are visible. Its very probable that you are going to end up sending your resume via email to the majority of companies. The aim of your resume is to secure you the interview. Unless youre an expert graphic designer, your resume does not have to look like it was made by a group of creatives. There are only some of the means by which you may have a resume that is guaranteed for success. Lies Youve Been Told About Free Resume Templates for Mac By using the examples of resumes, you wont only be in a position to add correct and precise info in your resume but will likewise be able to impress your prospective employer. Thus, while writing an effective resume, you should rationalize your abilities and abilities to provide the most effective services, so the employer would discover that its effortless to relate your profile to the given position. Likewise a person involved with advertising is necessary to do relevant surveys and research. Th ere are several free student resume templates readily available online on several sites including a number of the job portals. Its important to keep in mind you have under 10 seconds. Just take a while to compose a reasonably formatted resume. As you select your preferred template and sign up or utilize it freely, you might get your hands on the picture-perfect resume in simply a matter of a couple of minutes. You have to produce a resume that stands out from all of the rest. You only have to understand how to produce effective use of resume templates. Cost-free printable resume template with creative and easy design. Avoid, if youre able to, common resume templates. There are rather many templates online but not all of these are good enough. When you are done send yourself the resume and see whether it works out well prior to making the application. On the market, at present, many service providers have produced an innovative notion of creating resume samples. There ar e several free resume samples or templates readily available on the web, which make it simple and convenient for somebody to modify one according to their very own requirements. Thus a good resume does create an extremely distinctive and different impression about a person.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Japanese Customer Service ModelCan We Transplant Its Roots
The Japanese Customer Service ModelCan We Transplant Its Roots Anshinkancustomer reassurance, in the form of courteous, comprehensive and caring tafelgeschirris the conspicuous solid tropfen of the Japanese tree of widely acclaimed customer service that nonetheless has its critics. But hidden from the understanding of the average Japan tourist, shopper and casual foreign observer are its entangled roots that anchor and nourish the entire framework of a customer service model and practices that is in some, but not all ways, second to none.Like Japans iconic cherry blossoms, in some respects equally iconic Japanese customer service (hereafter, JCS) can be described as lovely because customer service here is not only pleasing, but also graceful and delicatein ways that, although revealing, are utterly alien to our norms of professional courtesy, helpfulness and responsibility.Graceful bows, mellifluo us tones, fluid gestures and fleet feet typify in 2014 the same service I experienced decades ago, conveying the permanence of JCS that has made it as iconic as the evanescence of the blossoms.I say here because, at the time of this writing, I have just arrived in Nagasaki, my springboard into another one of my writers forays abroad, and am stunned to have, in my first encounters, experienced customer and visitor service that is, if at all changed, even more customer-centrici.e., courteous, comprehensive and caringthan the service that was already hard to top decades ago, when I first came to Japan, where I remained for years.Consistently, Nagasaki service employees have greeted me and my queries with treatment that has, so far, easily rivaled the enveloping warm tarmac reception and lavish escort befitting any ballyhooed presidential visit.Special JCS for Foreigners?In case you are inclined to think that this is all special treatment for foreigners, my own experience and the testim ony of locals suggest otherwise.Tokyo-born Silicon Valley and Japan-based interpreter Mike Hessling, who has lived in Nagasaki for more than eight years and in Tokyo for much of his youth attests that JCS is uniform, without distinction between Japanese and non-Japanesedespite the pervasive importance of the uchi (inside) and soto (outside) classification of peoples, cultures, etc., or any temptation to impress or pity foreigners.Likewise, Norio Araki, the genial internationalized owner of the Nagasaki Town Hotel, where I am staying, emphatically agrees Even Japanese customers will get exactly the same kind of red-carpet treatment I have gotten in banks, department stores and anywhere customer service is required.Obvious Leaves, Deep RootsThe roots of the salient features of Japanese customer service (hereafter, JCS) are not as obvious as the features themselves.Unfamiliar history, philosophy, social and economic organization constraints and principles conceal or render incomprehens ible to the casual observer the dynamics and forms that underlie a customer service model that might require major cultural transformations in another host country or society if it were to take rootincluding some changes, examined below, that would benefit our societies, even setting aside benefits for customers and companies.Before identifying those changes we would have to make in both our customer service models and in the underlying factors required to support them, an examination of the leaves and roots of the JCS model is in order.Fleet of Foot Amid Fleeting Cherry BlossomsConsider these common Japanese customer service practices and commonplace experiences and try to imagine them not only taking root in North America, but also becoming the rule (in both senses of ruleviz., the norm and the command), rather than an experimental, quirky, exotic, charming, etc., exceptionA female customer service rep in an electronics megamart fields my query, then trotsnot walksto find someone better qualified to address my needs.Rank-and-file staff, not necessarily frontline customer-service employees, discuss which among them is best informed and available to walk me to where I can find the international card services they cannot provide, before one cheerfully accepts the responsibility, and offers to wait while I complete my ATM transaction, for the sake of anshinkan.Fielding my useless request to find an apartment through their office, a real estate office repon her own initiativeprints off a map and other details of alternative accommodation for me before cheerily bidding this non-client goodbye.Another clerk, volunteering after I chose to find another store, walks me out of her electronics superstore to a rival superstoreeven though its clear I can easily navigate in Japanese and understood her initial directions.Although communication in Japanese is proceeding smoothly, just to be on the safe side, an English-speaking first-stringer is summoned by a bank colleague to ensure perfect service (despite my decade+ experience in Japan that has included teaching philosophy in Japanese in a Japanese college).At the risk of stripping the bloom off the blossom, so to speak, such enchanting benchmark JCS practices need to be contrasted with the flip-side, less endearing ones, such as the kind of robotic rigidity in following the playbook that exasperates agile foreigners vainly looking for even more attentiveness to their needs and wants, in the form of customized service on top of customer service.For example, when I asked for ketchup instead of mayonnaise on my Nagasaki McDonalds chicken hamburger, I was told by the counter clerk that it would not be possible.I could have the burger without mayonnaise, but would have to use a sealed packet of ketchup as its source, rather than the direct dollop Id get a home if I asked for it.Rules RuleThat reminded me of my encounter many years ago with a public pool attendant in Kobe who, despite my obviously totall y shaved head insisted I would have to wear a bathing cap, because the rules say they are required.When I told him that wearing latex gloves would make more sense given that there is more hair on my knuckles, he relented, but only so long as no guest complained about the exception.That was a short-lived victory, since, quite conveniently and suspiciously, it took all of about three minutes before he claimed that complain is precisely what someone had done.So I left (because that Japanese swimming cap on my head felt like a compression stocking five sizes too small).So much for the leaves now for the roots, about which I am going to speculate freelyRoots in duties, not rights The extraordinary forms and lengths of JCS seem to map nicely into two key aspects of Japanese culture 1. a long history of feudalism, and services to be obediently rendered to superiors, be they a samurai warrior, japanische mafia boss, CEO or department store customer 2. a cultural matrix that, in yet another way in which Japanese culture is diametrically opposite ours, has traditionally obligations (gimu and giri) rather than rights. Hence, a Japanese service employee is following a cultural as well as corporate blueprint in following the maxim O-kaykusama kamisama desuCustomers are gods.Transplant challenge Feudalism never got much traction on the ground, much less got off it in North America. Thats one reason why Thomas Paines American revolution-era big-hit disquisition was The Rights of Man, rather than The Duties of Man.Americans, and to a seemingly lesser although great extent, Canadians are fiercely protective of and insistent in declaring their rightswhich is a good thing. That focus on rights, however, is not as vigorously balanced by clamoring to fulfill or recognize (their own) obligations, IRS tax notices and debt collector reminders aside.Even if an American employee handbook hammers a strong customer service katechese into staff mindsets, the historically and culturally en trenched priority given to ones own rights is likely to result in a more transparently opportunistic means-to-an-end compliance with those norms and obligations than in Japan, and therefore to less robust, certainly less extreme and more perfunctory customer service.Perhaps thats why altogether too many North American (and Australian) service workers cannot control or even reflect on how condescending it sounds to respond to a customer thank you with no problem- or no worries-as though it is they, the employees who are kings and gods, deigning to grant absolution for customer impositions.A history of form over content The Japanese preoccupation with formkata, quite often at the expense of or with subordination of content, is a persistent cultural theme that seems to manifest itself in JCS as well as in meticulously structured and executed tea ceremonies, in the formalities of greetings and recognition of rank, and in the prescribed forms for formally required pro forma gift-giving, e.g., giri chokoobligation chocolates that must be presented to individuals of some rank by those subordinate or beholden to them, e.g., OL (Office Lady) Valentines chocolates that must be given to the boss, or in-laws, etc., with implications as romantic as a mandatory tax filing.The priority of form over content is why Japanese will be content to appear to be working after normal working hours or with the form of a holidayhowever brief, superficial and frenetic the visit captured in meticulously mounted photos in albums.It is also why rent-a-family for the weekend businesses do well in Japan, as solace-for-hire for lonely grandparents, provided by professional actors playing the rolesproviding the formof a family without the real content, for $1,500 or more.Transplant challenge Being a pragmatic whatever works people, Americans and Canadians are highly adaptive, innovative, experimental, creative, unorthodox and agile when circumstances warrant it. Hence, if a hotel room doesnt ha ve cutlery, we may, in desperation, consider using two pens as chopsticks for our take-out sushiand enjoy one more triumph of function over form.Likewise, being suspicious and averse to the autocratic overtones of rigid formality, weve historically and culturally elevated informality to the position of a keystone in the arch and architecture of democracy.In our individualistic cultural matrix, it comes as no surprise to discover that the IT software whiz who has made you millions did it with his sockless sandals sticking out from under his desk, and would have felt creatively, if not literally suffocated, if forced to dresseven in sweltering heat and on stifling packed subwayslike a Japanese suit-entombed salary man.It is this preoccupation with form that may partially account for both the great strengths and evident weaknesses of JCS Prescriptions and proscriptions governing form explain why the smallest purchase may be meticulously wrapped in multiple layers why forms of greetings and farewells are equally meticulously specified, e.g., mandatory honorific language, scooting rather than merely walking to seek further assistance and why customization of service can encounter such stiff resistancenamely, because it requires deviating from prescribed forms and norms.The group mind Perhaps the most important propin both sense of propfor JCS is Japanese groupinessthe tendency to behave, decide, think and aspire in group terms.As a norm, group mindedness in Japan, as everywhere else, is instilled through identification with ones group, its values, standards and rules.To an extent, a JCS employee may be seen as having a vestigial feudal attitudenamely, that of a serf bound and protected by loyalties to a clan, manor or chief.Just as a feudal niche that tended to be for life, traditional lifetime employment in Japan, now less frequent, reinforced such identification and loyalty.Hessling remarked that although the use of keigohonorific languageis disappearing among Ja panese youths, large corporations and other organizations still hammer in the high standards of JCS into their customer service recruits and in-place staff.Transplant challenge Although there are rah-rah Western employees who also closely identify with their company, e.g., Amway distributors who make a cult of it all, such intense groupiness and strong identification seems to be much less likely in ruggedly individualistic, often narcissistic Western societiesespecially in ideologically individualistic America.Perks of Price In a culture in which consumer demand and price often vary directly rather than inversely, i.e., where a low price connotes inferior quality, I can imagine that as an offset to the high prices ambivalently accepted by prestige-oriented shoppers, e.g., those buying gift melons for $100 or more, fawning and superior customer service can serve as both a legitimization and mark of the products prestige and as compensation for the cash costs of the purchases.Transpla nt challenge Getting anybody to pay $100 for a melon.________Note This is another in a series of articles to be published about Japan and Taiwan while Michael is on the road.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
5 Tips for a Successful Phone Interview
5 Tips for a Successful Phone Interview5 Tips for a Successful Phone Interview16Many of the cues and communication that occur during a face-to-face bewerbungsgesprch are lost during a phone interview, and you are required to rely on the phone interview to carry you through to the next level of hiring. Communicating in non-traditional ways will be an important part of your job if you are looking to telecommute or work for a company that requires communication outside of an office environment. Dont fretThere are some very simple ways to communicate clearly and professionally with a potential employer over the phone.5 Tips for a Successful Phone InterviewChoose a quiet space. It cannot be stressed enough that distractions can kill the most perfect interview. You do not want to have anything that makes noise or takes your attention away from the interview. Smartphones and devices can pick up and transmit sounds that you may not even think could be heard, distracting both you and the pers on interviewing you. Never plan to interview when kids are around or sleeping, as they are unpredictable and noisy. Telecommuting requires a quiet space to work, and you need to demonstrate to your potential employer that you have the right area to complete their tasks without distractions.SMILE. It sounds silly to smile when you are not actually happy or laughing about something, but the sound of a smile comes through in your voice. Smiling during a phone interview can not only make you sound excited and happy to be talking about your qualifications, it can also calm your nerves and make you feel better. It can make the difference in how you come across to a potential new boss or company.Stand up. Standing up makes your voice clearer and allows you to take deeper breaths. Standing up while talking during a phone interview can allow you to pace and calm your nerves. Standing up can also convey confidence in your voice and assertiveness about your qualifications and skills.Be prepare d. When you are getting ready for your phone interview, have pertinent information at your fingertips. Its a good rule of thumb to have a copy of your resume, information about the company, the job description, and correspondence from the company readily available. If you are asked questions about your cover letter and youve sent out tailored ones to multiple places, you should have the information you sent over ready to discuss. Its also helpful to have something to write with and paper to take notes.Ask questions. Interviews need to take a professional and conversational tone. Participating in the dialog is going to show your interest in the ort and give them information about you. You dont want to recite your cover letter or resume in an interview. This is the perfect time for the hiring employer to get to know what your interests are and why you choose to apply for their job.Phone interviews have become an increasingly common way to screen potential applicants for jobs. With mor e of the workforce out of the office, demonstrating your stellar command of communication over the phone is an important skill to have. Make sure to remember that your personality and candor can make the difference between you and another candidate with similar references. By employing these simple tips, you can impress your abilities and passion about your new career.Readers, what are your tips for a successful phone interview? Leave a comment and let us know
Friday, November 22, 2019
Risk Management Certifications
Risk Management CertificationsRisk Management CertificationsAs the field of risk management grows in importance, so does the weight that certain employers place on formal certifications in the field for potential new hires, as well as for people already in the field who seek to advance. On the other hand, note that many employers still do not require any formal outside certifications for risk management staff. Leading Risk Management Certifications The leading certifications for risk managers in the financial services industry are Financial Risk Manager (FRM)Professional Risk Manager (PRM) Both these exams test knowledge of Financial marketsMathematical models for measuring riskRisk management methodsBusiness ethics The organizations administering the above risk management certification exams are, respectively The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)The Professional Risk Managers zwischenstaatlich Association The latter was founded by officials formerly associated with GARP. Both exams require 500-600 hours of study. People experienced in the risk management field normally need a few months to study for either exam, but newcomers may require over a year. Roughly half of those taking these tests pass. In 2009, over 23,000 people took the FRM exam, a leap of 69% over 2008. At the start of 2010, the two-part FRM exam had a $1,250 fee and the four-part PRM test cost $500. Some employers that require risk management certification will pay for all or part of their employees exam and test prep fees. Other Risk Management Certifications Various other risk management certifications are targeted towards people in the field who will work in companies outside the financial services industry. Some of these include Certifications from the Society of ActuariesRisk and Insurance Management Society Fellow (RIMS Fellow)Chartered Enterprise Risk AnalystCertified Risk ManagerAssociate in Risk Management Source ?Risk Managers Get Certified, The Wall Street Journ al, 4/1/2010.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Tips for Working Remotely While Traveling
Tips for Working Remotely While TravelingTips for Working Remotely While TravelingWorking from outside of the office, whether its from home or while youre on the go, can be a key opportunity to figure out your work habits and boost your output. It can also be a challenge to nail down an effective way of managing work while youre traveling. Whetheryouve just asked to work remotely, youre on a test run to prove your productivity, or youre traveling and job searching at the same time, these tips will help you get the most of your remote work. 11 Tips for Working Online While Youre On the Go Have a plan for your Internet connection.In the United States, those of us who work from our computers or job search verbunden are used to clocking in at a caf and settling in for the day. But when youre traveling grenzberschreitendly, you cant always rely on the corner Starbucks. If youve griped about the WiFi speed at the Starbucks in the States, the connection can be even more harrowing when y oure abroad. Moreover, not every city has a caf culture that accommodates the one-purchase-per-hour-of-work paradigm that exists in most American coffee shops. Beforeyoutravel,do your researchon finding WiFi in your destination, and have a backup plan, whether its purchasing an Internet SIM card, connecting to a wireless hotspot, or securing a spot in a co-working space. Carry around a notebook and pen.There will come a day when you cant connect to WiFi, when you forgot to grab a converter for your laptop charger, or when youre in a location not quite secure enough to pull out a$1,000computer. But, the solution is easy slip a notebookin your bag and keep a pen hooked over its cover. Youll always have a place to jot down your ideas, and you might just find yourself grateful when inspiration strikes at a random time. Figure out when, and how, you work best.This sounds like a given, but if you can settle into aroutine that maximizes your productivity, do your best to stick with it. For example, I am most productive when I work in short, two-hour bursts with a half-hour break in-between. I know I get the most done when I close out any extraneous windows that means no Facebook chat running in the background andIplug in with my headphones. I also know my productivity is at its top levels when I have an unbroken stream of music playing, one that doesnt require me to change songs or repeatedly hit shuffle. Youd be surprised how many minutes you waste searching for songs on YouTube, scrolling through Spotify looking for new music, or responding to Facebook chats. Make a productivity playlist.That said, if you know you work well to music, set up a playlist before you dive into your to-do list. Keep in mind that your WiFi might not have enough juice to load music videos on YouTube or stream Spotify, which also places restrictions on users listening abroad without a premium account. When Im connected to a decent WiFi connection, I like to use 8Tracks, where you can fin d pre-made playlists specifically put together for getting work done. Invest in a pair of quality headphones.Trust me, youll need them. Although the standard Apple earbuds, or their generic equivalents, are convenient to pack, they arent the best for blocking out noise. Even with the volume on full blast, Ive found my Apple earbuds dont do a great job of blocking out background noise, especially when its a boisterous conversation in Russian or the drone of motorbikes whizzing by. Bose is the best-known brand for noise-canceling headphones, but my Symphonized NRG in-ear noise-isolating earbuds do a pretty good job for a fraction of the price. Buy international outlet adapters before you go.Sure, you can pick them up at the airport, but youll pay less if you order ansprechbar from a site like Amazon, which has a huge selection of converters. If you use Mac products, the Apple World Traveler Kit is a good investment. For only about $30, it comes with plugs for North America, Japan, Chi na, United Kingdom, Europe, Korea, Australia, and Hong Kong. And, because you simply switch out the plug on your existing laptop or iPhone charger, rather than attaching it to a converter, it offers a more secure source of power and a lower risk of damaging your device. Arrange your communication channels before you go.If youre working with other people, or expect to be job searching and arranging interviews while youre traveling, you should take a few minutes to set up your messaging systems before you go. This is especially true if youre going to use an Internet messaging platform like WhatsApp or Viber, as these types of apps usually require that you confirm via MMS, which wont work once you hit airplane mode and turn off your cellular service. If youre going to be communicating via video, set up and test Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Skype before you leave. If you opt for an international phone plan, carefully review the available options so youre not spending a fortune on staying connected. With the abundance of Internet messaging services, from cross-platform apps like WhatsApp and Viber, to iMessage, Google Hangouts Chat, Slack, and Skype, most people can get by without paying for an international phone plan. You can pick up aninexpensiveflip phone and SIM card for use within another country, or purchase Skype creditsthroughyourSkypeaccountto call mobile phones and landlines worldwide. Hereismoreinformationonarranging an international phone interview. Plan ahead for video job interviews or meetings.You dont want to be scrambling at the last minute ifyouhaveaSkypecallwith an important boss orneedtodo a video jobinterview for a new position. For example, its a good idea to put onanappropriateshirtorblousefor a video interview. Just because youre traveling, doesnt mean you dont need to dress the part. Make sure you read up on how to have asuccessful video interview, and take afew minutes to practiceso youre not scrambling to get ready whenthecallcomes. Be fle xible, but also upfront. When youre communicating with professionals in other countries, you need to be aware of time zones and take into account whether youre really going to be able to get online at 430 a.m. local time to accommodate someone located halfway around the world. You should also be upfront about your accessibility. If you know youre going to have difficulty connecting to the Internet from a certain location, or if youre going to be in transit for a few days, let others know in advance. Be mindful of the time and date differences.Keep track of time zones, so you dont end up calling a potential employer or another important contact at 3 a.m.without realizing it. fruchtwein smartphones allow you to set a clock for another time zone, or you can download an app to keep track. Once you get a feel for the time difference, you can strategize to make it work to your advantage. If youre staying somewhere with alargetime difference, you should factor in the discrepancy in dates, too. For example, if you are in a very different time zone, you could wake up early Saturday morning with an extensive to-do listbecauseit isonlyFriday afternoon in theUnitedStates and your boss and co-workers arewrapping up theirworkweek. Conversely,Mondays can be a good timeformeto get a head start, because it wasonlySunday in theU.S. Plan Ahead Before You Travel Before you leave, research how and where youll be connecting to the internet.Set up your communication channels before you go.Bring the travel adaptors youll need for your devices with you.Be cognizant of the time zone when youre scheduling meetings or call.
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